Even though we haven't yet seen that Continuing Resolution issued for extending the expiration date of the SBIR Program beyond March 20th, I'm happy to report that the Federal Agencies aren't holding back on issuing their announcements for new SBIR opportunities, and four of them: Transportation, Homeland Security, Environmental Protection and the National Science Foundation have recently published new topics.
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) - due by April 6th
Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO)
- X-ray Generators to Enhance Material Discrimination for NIT Imaging
- Innovative Training Technology for Preventive RadNuc Detection
Department of Transporation (DOT) - due by April 15th
Federal Highway Administration
- Shockwave Mitigation On Roadway Systems
- Thermographic Device for Nondestructive Evaluation of Bridge Integrity
- Vehicle Detection, Counting and Tracking System
- Pedestrian Detection, Counting and Tracking System
- Self-Sustaining, Intelligent Pavement Systems
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
- Individualized Fatigue Risk Management in Trucking Operations
Pipeline And Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
- Development of in-field pipeline inspection tools
- Hazardous Materials
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - due by May 14th
A) Green Building Materials and Systems
B) Innovation in Manufacturing
C) Nanotechnology
D) Greenhouse Gases
E) Drinking Water and Water Monitoring
F) Water Infrastructure
G) Air Pollution
H) Biofuels and Vehicle Emissions Reduction
I) Waste Management
J) Homeland Security
These are anticipated topic areas. Details will be available March 19th.
National Science Foundation (NSF) - due by June 9th
Broad Area Topics are:
- Biotech and Chemical Technologies (BC)
- Education Applications (EA)
- Information and Communication Technologies (IC)
- Nanotechnology, Advanced Materials and Manufacturing (NM)
Note that all of these Agencies do state that awards are subject to "availability of funds", and we all know what that means!
Even the NIH is continuing to announce new opportunities, and they have promised that there will be small business participation in ARRA Stimulus funding, although what form that will take is still not apparent. It's important that small businesses compete for R&D funds on a level playing field, and if it's not via SBIR or STTR it's hard to imagine how that will be managed.
And, DO KEEP THE PRESSURE ON FOR THAT CONTINUING RESOLUTION! The SBIR Coach's website's SBIR Reauthorization section has all the information you'll need (including a recently added Excel file of the key legislators' contact data) and the template letter to send. So, please just do it!
Survey of Rural Challenges 2015 – 2025 results
4 weeks ago
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